Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where in the world am I?

"You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
-Robert Louis Stevenson

"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

I love these two quotes! The reason is because of what I have come to learn since late August of 2011. You ask what is I have learned? Well, I will tell you! I have learned to stand up for three major things. These things are the people you love and care about, your beliefs, and yourself! Do not just stand around and let people down grade or harass the ones you love or yourself. Also do not let them push you around because of your beliefs. If you truly believe in something then stand up and fight for it. Do not let others tear you down no matter what is said.

            I am from this little town of Aurora, Nebraska. I love my home town, but I'm not sure as to if I shall stay here forever. I have lived here for most of my life. There are so many memories in this lovely town. I could not imagine living anywhere else! I know that I say that now, but who knows! Maybe in the future I will end up moving away to a bigger town, smaller town, or even to another state. Only time will tell.

As for now, I shall stay right where I am and keep living my wonderful life in this small town. I have come from a family of responsible, caring, and support family on one side and the other side... let's just not go there. :) On my mother's side I have my Uncle Jason, Aunt Jana, Jana's husband Aaron, and my Aunt Lori who has passed on. Jana and Aaron are going to be having a baby boy named Levi in January of 2013. Lori has two kids, Kenzie and Silis, and my mother has my little brother Adam and I. I have learned so much from my mother's side of the family. They have taught me to be responsible, a good worker, independent, and many more things. They have always been there to help me out and give me a shoulder to cry on when one is needed, half the time my Grandma is right there with me crying if it is over a certain topic that has affected us all very deeply.

I come from a big family on the other side. I have three uncles who married three women who I am glad to call aunts. They all have children and if you count it up including my brother Adam and my two half-brothers, Ethan and Micah, then there are a lot of us grandchildren. If you add it up there are exactly thirteen of us. I may not see them as much as I would like but they are family and I do love them with all of my heart, and this goes for both sides no matter who they are.

My mother and her three siblings had moved a lot when they were growing up, and I was lucky enough to have a mother who wasn't willing to move everywhere no matter what. She wanted my little brother and I to have a stable life, and that is exactly how I grew up. My life and where I am is very stable, and I appreciate it more than you could image. I could not imagine moving and switching schools. It frightens me to even think about it. Sure I like change, but not THAT much change.

I may not come from the perfect life. I may not have lived the lifestyle that I dreamed of having when I was a lot younger and I know that I am nowhere near perfect, but I do know exactly who I am, where I am, and where I stand. I will forever refuse to let people tell me otherwise.  I may not be muscle strong and I do have my weaknesses, but I will always fight for what I believe is right. I will fight for the ones I care about and I will not stand around and let other people knock me down; for I am a strong willed and a strong minded woman.  I have learned a lot from the place and family that I have came from and these lessons will stay with me forever until the day I die.

1 comment:

  1. Allissa, it is nice to know you have some FIGHT in you. In order to make it in life we must all have the ability to stand up for ourselves. I am glad you have had a stable life here in this place, too!
